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Job Info
Job Seeking: Head Wrangler/Packer
Category: Equestrian Guide
Countries Applicable: Canada
Date Posted: 1/24/2016
Detail of Qualification:

Grace Stelmachowicz


6994 8thLine RR1, Utopia, ON L0M1T0



Technical Skills


·     10 plus years of experience with horses in english,western and driving disciplines

·     Use of heavy farm equipment

·     Great knowledge of horse care from owning horsesand being a part of Pony Club

·     Experiences in proper laboratory safety (WHMIS)

·     Able to concisely express ideas in writing lab reports

·     Basic skills in the use of Solid Works program

·     Basic skills in the use of AutoCad program

·     Experience in C programming language

·     Basic skills in the use of Microsoft Office,Power Point, Excel and Word




Bachelor ofEngineering, Biomedical                                         Sept.2014 - Present

University of Guelph, Guelph, ON


Ontario SecondarySchool Diploma                                            Sept.2010-Jun. 2014

Nottawasaga Pines Secondary School, Angus, ON

·     Ontario Scholar


Work  and Volunteer Experience



Rona Home and Gardens, Barrie, ON

·     Oversaw the training of new employees, ensuringthey understood the computer, how to deal with customers and how to handle cash

·     Utilized people skills when dealing with avariety of different customers

·     Performed a variety of manual labour tasks suchas stacking lumber and moving plants


Assembly LineAssociate

Honda of Canada Manufacturing, Alliston, ON

·     Utilized teamwork in the building of CRV's whenassisting others if fallen behind line speed

·     Oversaw the training of new employees, ensuringcompliance with best practices

·     Underwent SafeStart and MoveSafe trainingprovided by Honda

·     Practiced efficiency when building CRV's up toquality standards while at the line speed pace

·     Became adaptable to the shift work involved inthe job (Morning and afternoon shifts, switched every two weeks)


Sports Manager atVacation Bible School Camp

·     Ran activities for different groups of childrenages 3-12

·     Made day plans every day for different agedchildren that would keep them entertained and active

·     Worked together with two other volunteers whohelped run the sports aspect of the camp


Volunteer withCanadian Pony Club

·     Helped run events such as show jumpingcompetitions, Prince Phillip Games and eventing competitions

·     Acted efficiently to keep events running on time

·     Dealt with people who had concerns or neededhelp on the event grouds


Contact Info
Contact Name : Grace Stelmachowicz
Address : 6994 8th line Essa
Fax :
Phone : 7054244001
Email : grace_stel@hotmail.com

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