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Job Seeking: horseback ridding guide
Category: Equestrian Guide
Countries Applicable: All Locations
Date Posted: 11/22/2018
Detail of Qualification: Clémence Poletto, 38 years old clempoletto@gmail.com 88 avenue de Tivoli, 33110 Le Bouscat TEL : 0033 (0)6 60 96 34 06 Bachelor’s degree, Environmental Protection Horseback riding guide PROFESSIONAL SKILLS HORSEBACK RIDING Horseback riding Guide. Soft breaking. Horses training for horseback riding and endurance. Horses care. ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION Environmental impact studies. Assistant band birds. Anti poaching. WATER MANGEMENT Installation, operation and maintenance of water and sanitation networks. Water treatment structures: Building and maintenance training. Physical chemistry and bacteriology of water. Biomass energy. Geographic Information System. Conception, Monitoring and evaluation of Projects. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE France, Aveyron, July-August 2018 Horseback riding guide. Botswana, Okavango Delta, «Okavango Horse Safaris», June-September 2017 Management of the team, ranch, and horses. Management of the reservations, preparation of the rides and guiding. France, Gironde, October-May 2017 Project's conception of a Spirulina's unity production France Charentes, “La vallée des Cerfs”, July-September 2016 : Horseback riding guide. Ecuador (Green Horse Ranch), March-June 2016 : Ranch Management : Management of the team, of the ranch, of the horses. Management of the reservations, preparation of the rides and guiding. France Bourgogne “A hue et a dia”, October 2014-May 2015 : Professional training : Horse back riding guide professional. France (West), September 2013-August 2014 : Temporary job, agriculture sector. France (West), May-July 2013 : Training : Conception, Monitoring and evaluation of Projects (Bioforce institut). France (West), January-April 2013 : Temporary job, agriculture sector. France (west), October-December 2012 : Asistant in an Equitherapy center. Brazil Pantanal «Fazenda Xaraes», May-August 2012: Implementation’s study of wastewater treatment by phytodepuration in the fazenda. Design and training. Horse back ridding guide. Livestock care (buffalos, zebus). Ecuador «Green Horse Ranch», October 2011-March 2012: Horseback riding guide. Thematic nature activities. Ecuador, March-July 2011: Implementation of water supply systems in private farms. Implementation of phytodepuration system for small farms. Maintenance and training. Burkina Faso, January-September 2010: Many studies concerning the implementation of phytodepuration programs in rural areas. Feasibility studies. Zambia, «Bala-Bala Safaris», September-December 2009: Running a citrus orchard. Rare game breeding: sable antelope, buffalo and nyala. Anti poaching. Burkina Faso, December 2008-August 2009: Feasibility studies for a private farm project. Meeting with local actors and local authorities, faunal and flora inventories. Guyane, September-November 2008: Bathymetry lagoons (temporary missions) with a design office: GL Tech. ' Collection and interpretation of data. Guyane, Nouragues natural reserve, (CNRS), March-June 2008: Quality water studies, water management in research stations. Study of introduction of rainwater recoverers, sanitation. NOTES First aid certificate English, Spanish: Correct Portuguese: Proficient French : Fluent Work in remote areas. Adaptability and flexibility (new languages and cultures). Firmly autonomous, sense of initiative, ability to listen. Knowledge of construction: electricity, carpentry, mechanics, masonry. Sport: horse riding, walking, canoe. license A, B and C; micro light pilot license

Contact Info
Contact Name : clemence poletto
Address : 88 av de tivoli 33110 le bouscat
Fax :
Phone : 0033660963406
Email : clempoletto@gmail.com

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