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Job Seeking: Equestrian Guide, Horse riding instructor, Groom and rider
Category: Equestrian Guide
Countries Applicable: Denmark Mozambique Netherlands Wales United Kingdom Spain South Africa Scotland Russia Portugal Poland Norway Northern Ireland Italy Ireland Iceland Germany France England Austria
Date Posted: 6/11/2019
Detail of Qualification: Allow me to give you some background on my profile. From a young age, I always gravitated towards communications. In school in Italy, I studied English and German, spending my holidays on language exchange trips. In college, I pursued a BA in Foreign Languages, specialising in English and Russian. During my entire school career, I always cultivated a strong and authentic passion for horse riding. The first time I rode a horse I was 6 years old and from that moment on, I found myself dedicated to this wonderful activity. In order to make other enriching experiences during my university years, such as travelling and taking part to exchange programmes, I had to put on hold going horse riding for a while. However, this gave me the opportunity to learn new cultures, being more open-minded and incredibly improve my linguistic skills. Since young age, I had the chance to travel across Europe with my parents but my Erasmus experience is what first awoke my interest in living and growing abroad. Engaging with other cultures through education made me more appreciative of the benefits, which Europe offers us. I have always been interested on other cultures and meeting new people. Coming from a very touristic area of Italy - Lake Garda - I had the chance in working in the touristic sector for many years. The most relevant experience in tourism was working as a receptionist at Hotel Bisesti in Garda. There I gained professional competencies both in the front and back office and how the business in general works. I had to directly deal with client requests and issues, coordinating travel accommodations for clients including vouchers, agendas and transportation. I learned various communication strategies also online and greeted incoming visitors and customers professionally providing friendly, knowledgeable assistance. During these years, I also helped part time at a horse riding centre working as an assistant and children teacher at the summer camp. This experience was extremely valuable and enriching to me, as from that time on, I had the feeling working somehow within the horse riding field would have been what I wanted to do in the future. This realisation pushed me to get the certificate as a Touristic Guide Assistant in Italy, allowing me to work in horse riding centres and taking people and clients to easy trekking trails. After working as a receptionist, I moved to Brussels to complete my master studies in Journalism and Communication. My experiences there at European News Service and at the Media Services Unit of the European Parliament has given further knowledge and experience in how the communication strategies work. I had the chance to become expert in the media field, completing monitoring analysis tasks and general communication activities. I was also assisting in maintaining relations with journalists and assisting in the organisation of seminars and events at the European Parliament. I strongly believe my personal, organisational and communication skills, as well as my common sense would be a distinctive factor when working for an Equestrian Centre or Equestrian Travel Agency.

Contact Info
Contact Name : Greta Bitante
Address : via Oliveto 15, Bardolino, Veronam Italy
Fax :
Phone : +32 493860597
Email : greta.bitante@gmail.com

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