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Job Info
Job Seeking: Seasonal equestian guide
Category: Equestrian Guide
Countries Applicable: Peru New Zealand Ecuador Costa Rica Chile Argentina Australia Argentina
Date Posted: 4/14/2020
Detail of Qualification:

My name is Ida, I'm 20 years old and I live in Denmark. I'm planning to do some traveling next year (the begingin of 2021).

I've been doing horseback riding for 10+ years, but never for competitions. I love being at the stables hanging out with friends and having a nice time with the horses. I'm seeking a job as an equestrian guide, because I've always tought that it would be a dream job, where I can do some work at the same time as exploring a new place.  

Other than horseback riding, I've been a scout, and I really like the way of using nature and the hiking. I also have a great passion of photography, therefore I almost always carry my camera, if an idea for a shoot should come to me. I hope to be able to make a living of photography one day, witch means that I use every chance I get to practice.

I've completet 14 years of school, witch comes close to the American high school, but in the Danish school system. I graduated in the summer of 2019. Among the mandatory subjects, I've taken Spanish courses as well, with means that I'm close to fluent in English, and I know quite a bit of Spanish, at least enough to make a conversation. 
Since i graduated, I've been a part of the Danish military in form of national service, but on a self-imposed basis. The battalion I'm with, has a special job of escorting the majesty of Denmark in connection with big events, for instance, we were supposed to do an escort in connection with the queens birthday this month, witch was unfortunately cancelled due to the corona-virus. 
I will finish my service in August, but until December this year I'll be doing some journalism for a magasin, witch is sent out to all of the national servicemen in Denmark.

As a person I'm very enthusiastic. If I really want to accomplish something I'm willing to go very far to make it happen. Especially doing my time in the military I've developed my skill of cooperation with people I wouldn't have tought I could cooperate with. I've always had a flair for keeping organized and seeing the bigger picture, witch has servved me well.

I hope to hear from you, and feel free to contact me with any questions.

Best Regards, Ida

Contact Info
Contact Name : Ida Vind Larsen
Address : 6. Julivej 62, 7000 Fredericia
Fax :
Phone : 42808054
Email : idavindlarsen@gmail.com

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