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Job Seeking: Intern looking for a mentor to work on a ranch
Category: Head Wrangler
Countries Applicable: Canada/USA USA Canada
Date Posted: 12/8/2023
Detail of Qualification:

Dear Sir/Madam,


Currentlyconcluding the final year of my Bachelor’s degree in International Relations as a French student, Iwould like to contact you to explain my plans for the coming year 2024-2025. Myambition is to come and work on a ranch as soon as I will be 21, in order todiscover more about their practices and way of life. I yearn for being ahelpful learner on the job at the ranch.

I discovered theequestrian world when I was 3 years old, and it has been part of my life eversince. I have always been fascinated by horsemanship practices, and I am nowaiming to learn and own them. It was this passion that prompted me to go off onmy own to the United States for two weeks last May, where my experience inWyoming was an eye-opener for me. I had the opportunity to participate incattle round-up activities for touristic purposes, and I aspire to discovermore about this way of life. This trip on my own to the USA reinforced myliking for wild nature, which is a source of inspiration for me, and a placewhere I feel free. I am aware of the risks and difficulties that can beencountered in such a profession, but living this experience to the fullestextent possible does not intimidate me. I am ready to face climatic conditionsthat can be hard to bear, the rhythm imposed by living and working on a ranch.

I am motivated anddetermined to learn every facet of this profession and I aim to become ascompetent as a professional by the end of my stay in America. I am also willingto perform additional tasks as needed outside of wrangler work in order to helpthe staff as much as possible. Easily taking part in group activities, I canguarantee you that I am a fast learner and that I am willing to improve myselfin any task that I am entrusted with, whether it is taking care of animals,dealing with tourists and going on trails, or helping with other tasks at thebarn. If this experience as an intern turns out to match my expectations andconfirm my liking of the American country way of life, I consider making it mypermanent and professional career.

Furthermore, Iundertake to take care of all administrative formalities necessary to ensure mystay on American soil. With regards to the USA, I have already participated in the Green Card lottery,and I am eligible for the J-1 Visa (which is the Exchange Visitor non-immigrantvisa allowing individuals to participate in work-and-study-based exchangevisitor programs).


I hope my emailwill be of interest to you,


Best regards,


Lea Wuilmet.


  • ·       Phone: (+33)658908735
  •      Email: leawuilmet@gmail.com
  • ·       Social media: @lea_wlmt


P.S.: If you arenot in a position to take me on, please feel free to pass on my application toyour acquaintances if they’d be interested.   

Contact Info
Contact Name : Léa Wuilmet
Address : 25 rue Jean Jaurès
Fax :
Phone : (+33)658908735
Email : leawuilmet@gmail.com

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